IN CONSIDERATION of Lauremont School accepting this re-enrolment form for registration of the student at the Grade/Level completed above for the academic year 2025/2026, the undersigned parents or guardians hereby agree to accept the terms and conditions set out herein, including all documents incorporated by reference (collectively, the “Agreement”).
1. The tuition fees payable for the selected payment plan will be fully paid by the respective due dates. Please note that the discounts associated with Plan 1 and 2 will not be available if payments are not received by February 1st 2025 and/or if remaining tuition payments (as laid out in the plan chosen) are not paid by their respective due dates. If tuition payments for Plan 1 and 2 are not made by their due dates, the payment plan automatically reverts to the monthly plan.
2. Initial Registration Fee
In addition to tuition payments, parents of children attending Lauremont School for the first time are required to make a one time Initial Registration Fee payment to Lauremont School of $6,000 per child. This amount is due upon acceptance of this Agreement and is non-refundable.
In addition, all mandatory (uniforms) and optional (music, art, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities) fees must be paid according to their respective deadlines.
3. Withdrawal and Refund Policy
All notices of withdrawal must be made in writing to Lauremont School. If the withdrawal occurs:
• On or before April 1, 2025, families are refunded 75% of all tuition fees paid to date
Between April 2 and May 1, 2025, families are refunded 25% of all tuition fees paid to date
• There is no refund for families withdrawing after May 1, 2025.
• Note: For new students, the registration fee is non-refundable.
If a student leaves Lauremont School before the April 1st deadline having paid partial/full tuition, there is no provision for that tuition to be transferred to another academic year. If a family has additional children remaining at Lauremont School, any partially/fully paid tuition for the student who has left may be transferred to a sibling with the approval of the CAO, on or before April 1, 2025.
4. Fees may be paid by Pre-Authorized Debit, Cheques, Wire Transfer, and Credit Card in accordance with terms and conditions set out in this form. Any NSF cheque will be subject to a $20 service charge. Any payment made subsequent to the receipt of an NSF cheque by Lauremont School must be made by certified cheque or money order.
5. All overdue payments, including any prior year outstanding balance, are subject to and shall accrue interest at the lesser of the rate of 2% on first of every month or the highest rate permissible under applicable law, compounded monthly. Lauremont School encourages families to pay all invoices on or before the due date. Re-enrolment for subsequent years will not be permitted and all school records, including but not limited to graduation certificates, will not be provided until all balances have been paid in full.
6. Lauremont School, in its sole discretion, may suspend or dismiss the Student from Lauremont School, refuse to re-enroll the Student for any subsequent academic year, and implement any other action deemed necessary to collect any outstanding amounts.
7. Lauremont School reserves the right to make such rules and regulations regarding the operation of the school as it deems appropriate and it is a condition of attendance that these rules and regulations, as may be published from time to time, be observed.
8. The undersigned acknowledge the right of Lauremont School to decide unilaterally to suspend, discipline, or dismiss any Student whose progress or conduct is deemed unsatisfactory or whose influence does not serve the best interests of Lauremont School. As well, Lauremont School reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any child if, in the opinion of the teacher and Academic Head, this action is for the benefit of the child or for the benefit of the class as a whole. Any such disciplinary decision shall be made in accordance with Lauremont School procedure as may be published from time to time.
9. The undersigned acknowledge that they play an important role in the education of their children, and they have a responsibility to support the efforts of Lauremont School staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. The undersigned must fulfill this role by:
• being engaged and showing an active interest in their child’s schoolwork and progress;
• communicating regularly and respectfully with Lauremont School and its faculty and staff;
• helping their child be appropriately dressed, including in uniform as required, and prepared for school;
• ensuring that their child attends Lauremont School regularly and on time;
• promptly reporting to Lauremont School their child’s absence or late arrival;
• encouraging and assisting their child in following the rules of behaviour;
• supporting Lauremont School staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child;
• never using disrespectful, disparaging, derogatory or abusive language towards another member of the Lauremont School community;
• supporting and modelling respectful behaviour in all communication and contact with other members of the Lauremont School community.
• Fully and completely disclosing at the time of application all behavioural issues and/or learning diagnoses identified in the previous school, if applicable. Failure to provide full disclosure may result in the student being withdrawn from the school should any omissions come to light post-enrolment.
10. The undersigned acknowledge and agree that they have read, understand, and are familiar with the Lauremont School Family Handbook and the Lauremont School Code of Conduct, that they have reviewed these policies with their child, and they understand that these policies apply not only to their children, but to themselves as well. The undersigned will assist their child to meet the expectations outlined in the Lauremont School Code of Conduct, and they will support Lauremont School faculty and staff in this effort. Should the undersigned or their child not comply with the provisions set out in this agreement or the Lauremont School Code of Conduct, the undersigned understands that discipline may result, including discontinuation of their child’s or children’s enrolment, a denial of re-enrolment for the following school year, or such measures as Lauremont School deems appropriate to ensure and maintain a positive, safe, and productive educational environment.
11. It is crucial that Lauremont School maintains a positive and constructive working relationship with parents and guardians. If this working relationship becomes dysfunctional or otherwise harmful to the educational environment, including if the undersigned fails to abide by the parental responsibilities outlined above, Lauremont School reserves its right to discontinue their child’s or children’s enrolment, deny re-enrolment for the following school year, or take such measures as Lauremont School deems appropriate to ensure and maintain a positive, safe, and productive educational environment.
12. The undersigned acknowledge the prior and ongoing collection by Lauremont School of information respecting the Student, including name, address, telephone number, email, grades, teacher, comments, report cards, Ontario Student Records and I/we hereby agree to the utilization of this information for appropriate educational purposes related to Lauremont School and disclosure of this information to Lauremont School and the undersigned parents or guardians.
13. Email Release
The undersigned further agree that my/our email account can be provided to New Paramount Studios (NPS) for communication related to passcode and link to view/order the Student’s picture, to classroom Parent Ambassador for communication related to Lauremont School information, events and volunteer opportunities, and to Aramark Food Services for information related to food allergies and dietary restrictions. The undersigned agree that I/we wish to receive electronic messages from Lauremont School which relate to Lauremont School matters.
14. The Lauremont School Enrolment Application annexed hereto forms part of this Agreement.
15. I/We agree and understand that in the event of an accident or illness occurring to the Student, Lauremont School will make every reasonable attempt to contact the undersigned. If however, I/we cannot be reached, I/we hereby give Lauremont School, its directors, officers, agents, and/or employees the authority to act on my/our behalf in case of an emergency and to take appropriate steps to have a doctor or other medical personnel attend upon the Student.
16. Further, I/we agree to release and indemnify Lauremont School, its directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers from any and all claims for damages or other amounts arising directly or indirectly from any accident, illness, injury or any other reason as a result of the Student’s participation in any school activities.
17. Health and Safety Protocols
I/We agree to abide by all applicable School policies during the 2025/26 school year, including policies related to health and safety. We also agree to comply with all applicable guidance issued by public health and the Ontario Ministries of Health and Education as they relate to health and safety at the School. I/We further agree to comply with COVID-19 health and safety protocols and public health guidance as they may be amended from time to time for the 2025/26 school year. I/We understand that the tuition fees do not include any form of student health insurance and that parents, including those without access to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) are required to ensure that their children are fully covered by an out of province or international health insurance plan. The school cannot assume any liability for any adverse outcomes arising from a lack of health insurance coverage.
18. I/We hereby acknowledge and agree that Lauremont School reserves the right at its sole discretion to suspend the obligations in the Agreement for the period of time that a condition of Force Majeure exists. “Force Majeure” means an act of God, strike, lock-out, act of public enemy, war, blockade, pandemic, and civil disturbance, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Lauremont School such as to make Remote Learning impossible or impracticable, as determined solely by Lauremont School. Lauremont School shall immediately notify parents/guardians of any suspension due to a Force Majeure event. Lauremont School and parents/guardians agree to use their best efforts to eliminate the effects of the Force Majeure event and to resume performance of the Agreement as soon as possible after the Force Majeure event ceases. Lauremont School is not liable for any costs incurred by parents/guardians due to delays or non-performance of obligations as a result of the Force Majeure event.
19. This Agreement shall be governed by and continued in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable herein. The parties acknowledge the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario and all courts competent to hear appeals therefrom.
20. The Agreement (including any documents incorporated by reference) constitutes the entire agreement between the parents/guardians of the Student and Lauremont School concerning the subject matter herein. It shall supersede all prior agreements, understandings, representations, or contracts between the parents/guardians of the Student and Lauremont School concerning the subject matter hereof, whether verbal or written, including, without limitation, any prior enrolment or re-enrolment contract executed by the parents/guardians and Lauremont School. No amendment, supplement, restatement or termination of any term of the Agreement, save and except for amendments to the Plan, rules, regulations, policies, guidelines and schedules of Lauremont School, shall be binding upon the parties unless it is in writing and signed by the parties.
21. Failure or delay by either party to exercise, in whole or in part, any of their rights, powers or remedies in the Agreement is not a waiver of those rights, powers or remedies. No waiver shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party asserted to have granted such waiver.
22. Parents/Guardians may not assign, or otherwise transfer, their rights or delegate their duties or obligations under the Agreement without prior written consent of Lauremont School. Any attempt to do so is void. The Agreement shall inure to benefit and bind the parties hereto, their successors and permitted assigns.
23. In the event that any part of any provision of the Agreement may prove to be illegal or unenforceable, the other provisions of the Agreement and the remainder of the provision in question shall continue in full force and effect.
24. The Agreement may be executed in counterparts and/or by electronic signature and if so executed shall be equally binding as an original copy of the Agreement executed in ink by the undersigned parents/guardians.