Toddler (18 Months) to Grade 6
A Montessori Start
The Montessori educational experience at Lauremont School provides the means for children to discover and develop critical age and stage related characteristics at a time when they are particularly receptive.
This includes the enhancement of the following characteristics: a love of learning, the ability to concentrate effectively, a high degree of independence and initiative, the ability to make good choices and exercise self-discipline, and joy in learning, doing and being.
The pedagogy was developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori (pictured), and since its inception in 1907 it has shaped the learning and future life paths of millions of children around the world.
The Montessori curriculum provides a seamless experience for children from 18 months to Grade 6. The curriculum is reviewed regularly and compared to that of the Ministry of Education to ensure that our students are exceeding learning outcomes.
Co-Curricular Programs
Extracurricular Programs
Co-Curricular Programs
Lauremont School offers a large variety of co-curricular programs for our Elementary students throughout the school year. Students can explore and develop new interests and passions, fostering lifelong learning.
Extracurricular Programs
Lauremont School offers a range of optional after-school extracurricular programs for students in Children’s House 2 to Grade 6. These programs help students discover new interests, find hidden talent and commit to something bigger than oneself.
Accredited Institution
Lauremont School is accredited by the Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators (CCMA).
The mission of the CCMA is to promote standards of excellence in Montessori education through accreditation, support and service, and provides a unified voice for its members across Canada.