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supporting your application

Resources and Tuition Fees

This page has a number of resources to help you better understand all aspects of applying to Lauremont School.

Admissions Process

Please select the applicable tab to learn more about the admissions process, and what you should keep in mind.

Toddler and Children’s House 1
(18 months – 3 years old)

Children’s House 2 & 3
(4-5 years old)

(Grades 1-6)

Upper School
(Grades 7-12)

International Applicants

18 months to 3 years old

Toddler and Children’s House 1

For September 2025 entry, Toddler applicants should be born between January 2023 and March 2024.

For September 2025 entry, Children’s House 1 applicants should be born between January and December of 2022.

1. Submit the online application, and include a copy of your child’s birth certificate and passport photo page. This is used to verify that your child is age-appropriate for our program.

2. Your child’s application will be placed on the wait list until the next available opening.

Please note: siblings, alumni, and faculty/staff families are given priority on the wait list.

3. The application fee is not required until after an offer of admission is made to your family.

4 and 5 Years Old

Children’s House 2/3

For September 2025 entry, Children’s House 2 applicants should be born in 2021.

For September 2025 entry, Children’s House 3 applicants should be born in 2020.

1. Submit the online application with the following:
● A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport photo page,
● $150 application fee (paid online via credit card),
● Copies of your child’s final report cards from the last 2 academic years.

2. In order to be considered for the next steps of the process, the Confidential School Report must be received. This form must be completed by your child’s teacher, and sent directly to the Admissions Office at

3. Your child will be invited to an in-person visit, where they will complete an age/grade appropriate assessment.

Grades 1 to 6


1. Submit the online application with the following:
● A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport photo page,
● $150 application fee (paid online via credit card),
● Copies of your child’s final report cards from the last 2 academic years.

2. In order to be considered for the next steps of the process, the Confidential School Report must be received. This form must be completed by your child’s teacher, and sent directly to the Admissions Office at

3. Your child will be invited to an in-person visit, where they will complete an age/grade appropriate assessment.

Grades 7 to 12

Upper School

1. Submit the online application with the following:
● A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport photo page,
● $150 application fee (paid online via credit card),
● Copies of your child’s final report cards from the last 2 academic years.

2. In order for your child’s application to be considered for the next steps, the Confidential School Report must be received. This form must be completed by your child’s teacher, and sent directly to the Admissions Office at

3. Your child will be invited to an in-person interview and grade-appropriate assessment.

4. In lieu of the Lauremont School assessment, students may opt to write the SSAT. SSAT results must be sent to the Admissions Office at

International Applicants

Lauremont School welcomes applications from students across the globe. We want all students to thrive in a healthy social, academic, and physical environment. For that reason, all international students must live with one or both parents while attending Lauremont School. In order for students to be successful at Lauremont School, International students must demonstrate fluency in English in both oral and written communication. Lauremont School does not offer an ESL program at any grade level.

1. Submit the online application with the following:
● A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport photo page,
● $500 application fee (paid online via credit card),
● Copies of your child’s final report cards from the last 2 academic years, with an English translation, if necessary.
● If students have taken any type of English Language Assessment (ex. Duolingo, IELTS, TOFEL), results may be sent to the Admissions Office at

2. In order for your child’s application to be considered for the next steps, the Confidential School Report must be received. This form must be completed by your child’s teacher, and sent directly to the Admissions Office at

3. Your child will be invited to virtual interview and assessment with a member of the Admissions team.
● In lieu of the Lauremont School assessment, students may opt to write the SSAT. SSAT results must be sent to the Admissions Office at


Next Steps

If an Offer of Admission is made to your child(ren), in most cases you will have two (2) weeks to let us know of your decision. To confirm your child’s place, and hold their spot for the upcoming school year, we will require the following:

1. Signed Enrolment Forms / Parental Agreement

2. $6,000 Initial Registration Fee

The tuition fees for the 2025 – 2026 academic year will be finalized in January 2025. Once they have been determined, you will receive a notice asking you to confirm your Payment Plan and method of payment.

Supplemental Application documents

Confidential School Reports

If you are applying for Children’s House 2 upwards, you will need to ask your child’s current teacher to fill out a level-specific confidential school report and send it to us to

Children’s House 2 and 3 Confidential School Report

Elementary (Grades 1-6) Confidential School Report

Upper School (Grades 7-12) Confidential School Report

Tuition Fees

Detailed tuition fee breakdown by academic level, including payment plan options.

Please note that the Single Payment option comes with a 4.5% discount, and the 3 Payments option comes with a 2.5% discount.

Toddler and Children’s House 1

Children’s House 2 & 3

Elementary (Grades 1-6)

MYP (Grades 7-10)

DP (Grades 11-12)

Half Day Schedule

Single Payment

1 payment on February 1 of $22,670.

3 Payments

3 payments of $7,710 on February 1, May 1 & September 1.

Total fees of $23,130.

10 Payments

$5000 on February 1.
$2,085 per month from March 1 to November 1.

Total fees of $23,765.


Single Payment

1 payment on February 1 of $33,680.

3 Payments

3 payments of $11,470 on February 1, May 1 & September 1.

Total fees of $34,410.

10 Payments

$5000 on February 1.
$3,365 per month from March 1 to November 1.

Total fees of $35,285.

Single Payment

1 payment on February 1 of $31,800.

3 Payments

3 payments of $10,830 on February 1, May 1 & September 1.

Total fees of $32,490.

10 Payments

$5000 on February 1.
$3,150 per month from March 1 to November 1.

Total fees of $33,350.

Single Payment

1 payment on February 1 of $31,800.

3 Payments

3 payments of $10,830 on February 1, May 1 & September 1.

Total fees of $32,490.

10 Payments

$5000 on February 1.
$3,150 per month from March 1 to November 1.

Total fees of $33,350.

Single Payment

1 payment on February 1 of $35,300.

3 Payments

3 payments of $12,010 on February 1, May 1 & September 1.

Total fees of $36,030.

10 Payments

$5000 on February 1.
$3,555 per month from March 1 to November 1.

Total fees of $36,995.

Single Payment

1 payment on February 1 of $37,790.

3 Payments

3 payments of $12,870 on February 1, May 1 & September 1.

Total fees of $38,610.

10 Payments

$5000 on February 1.
$3,845 per month from March 1 to November 1.

Total fees of $39,605.

Financial Aid

Lauremont School sets money aside each year to help families who are financially unable to send their children to Lauremont School without support.

Financial assistance considerations begin at Grade 1. Families applying for financial aid must fill out an application online through our third party reviewer, Apple Financial, which does financial reviews for many top independent schools such as Lauremont School. A summary of the application, along with the analysis, is then sent to the Lauremont School Financial Aid Committee. The committee consists of the Head of School, Chief Administrative Officer, Head of the Academic Program the student is in, and the Director of Enrolment Management.

Details of the family’s financial position are kept within this small committee. Other people are not informed that a family has applied for aid, or the details of their finances. The family will be notified if aid is granted, at which point the Business Office is informed so they can provide the fee reduction which has been awarded.